Brethren Village Retirement Community Master Plan and Entry
Derck & Edson has a long-standing relationship with Brethren Village Retirement Community. Most recently contracted for the development of an all-encompassing campus master plan, the process took into account the needs to modernize the nursing facility, create a greater sense of community on a large site, integrate with the surrounding community, and make the best use of recent, significant land purchases. The efforts will result in a strategic site master plan that will guide Brethren Village, a 100-year-old community, into its new century.
Previously, we helped Brethren Village incorporate 400 new retirement units into the existing 450-unit campus. This exciting design challenge enlarged campus and provided a completely interconnected facility which focuses on a large open Campus Green and several smaller courtyards.
Over the years, the sense of open space has been increased by utilizing the natural slope of the land and providing underground parking. Outdoor spaces are emphasized at Brethren Villlage through the creation of interior courtyards