Elizabethtown Borough Bike Trail
Our consultation with Elizabethtown Borough continued this spring and summer through our collaborative efforts to design a pedestrian and bicycle path connection throughout the eastern portion of the borough. The project will include renovations of several alleys to provide shared bike lanes, new pedestrian signage, a vest pocket park, a raised boardwalk connecting to the local high school path system, as well as several improvements to the current Community Park.
To accomplish this work, the Borough has successfully secured funding through the Lancaster County Smart Transportation grant program and is awaiting DCNR’s decision on a C2P2 grant application as well.
When complete, this eastern extension will complete a substantial pedestrian and bicycle network throughout the Borough. The network will connect Masonic Village, the Amtrak Station, MARS Chocolate, Elizabethtown College, and Elizabethtown Area School District to the core downtown so pedestrians and cyclists can stroll and roll all over the borough, without needing a car!