Elms College CEP®
Derck & Edson is in the process of creating a CEP® for Elms College. It started with a goal: to create a Campus Enhancement Plan® for Elms College’s Chicopee campus that will guide and direct Elms College’s development and improvement projects.
From the space utilization study, it was found that Elms College has insufficient space to accommodate the current and projected enrollment, specifically in the athletic and recreation category.
The parking study found current parking availability to be sufficient to support current campus population on typical days while classes are in session. Campus parking facilities ranged between 72% to 85% full, or 90 to 180 spaces free at any given time. Most of these free spaces, however, were away from the campus core, creating an illusion that there is a need for more parking on campus. Therefore, the CEP encourages parking with future projects to be in closer proximity to the campus core.
In addition, the Elms College’s Campus Enhancement Plan includes new housing options on Gaylord St., an addition to Mary Dooley College Center, the expansion of Maguire Center, and an athletic fieldhouse to the campus. These additions to Elms College’s campus will guide its future development to provide Elms staff and faculty the tools to give Elms College students the best academic experience possible.