Lancaster Marriott Hotel and Convention Center
The Lancaster Marriott Hotel and Convention Center project was a major undertaking in the heart of the City of Lancaster. Derck & Edson handled the site design, municipal approvals, sidewalk paving improvements, street tree plantings, lighting, street furnishings, and drop-off and entry areas for the hotel and convention center.
A major part of the project was retaining one of the most recognizable features in downtown Lancaster ~ the facade of the 1911 Watt & Shand department store, which is and has always been a historic feature on Penn Square. The new hotel and convention center rose up from behind this retained facade.
Several public streetscape improvements along the north, south, and west edges of the property were designed including sidewalk paving improvements, street tree plantings, lighting, and street furnishings.
The project recently won a ULI Philadelphia Inagural Willard G. Rouse Award for Exellence.