Shippensburg Borough Revitalization and Connectivity Plan
Shippensburg Borough, Township, and University were interested in developing a plan to identify strategies for:
- downtown revitalization,
- neighborhood enhancement,
- better connections within the downtown with sidewalks and trails to the surrounding neighborhoods, the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail, and the Shippensburg University campus.
In conjunction with the overall plan, Derck & Edson worked on visualizations of ultimate proposed conditions as well as potential interim enhancements that could happen in a more immediate time-frame yet still contribute to a revitalized downtown condition.
Within the larger purview of this plan, Derck & Edson was asked to focus on specific opportunity sites and address their future potential.
We also developed various approaches for connecting the entire downtown. These opportunities include a range from simple aesthetic treatments along existing streetscapes to trail expansions and activating new, currently inaccessible, areas of the community.