Gwynedd Mercy University Campus Entry
Gwynedd Mercy University wanted to create an improved gateway experience at the entrance to their campus from Sumneytown Pike.
Derck & Edson worked with the University to design improvements to provide a visual identity to the entrance that is consistent with the architectural features of the campus buildings.
Specific entrance improvements include a realignment of the driveway to focus driver attention to the University’s campus, while continuing to provide access to the adjacent Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School. An upgrade to the traffic signal and a left turn lane at the entrance on Sumneytown Pike also enhance the entry experience.
The design also calls for a key improvement, the creation of entrance signage and a wall feature. The serpentine-shaped wall feature will provide signage identification that will be visible for vehicles travelling in either direction on Sumneytown Pike. The wall feature will also include a digital video screen that will be used to communicate messages such as announcing special events on campus.
The entry feature has been designed to be visually and aesthetically consistent with existing features on campus, as it incorporates key campus building materials such as brick and iron. The addition of landscaping material will help to anchor the wall feature to its surroundings.